much ado about nothing
rania moved out of the apartment ‘cause she found a place of her own down the street. actually, it’s my old apartment she moved into.
cow and i discovered we’ve all subconsciously become vegetarians.
shoprite, the local grocery store that supplied all our food closed down. there was pandemonium in the apartment as we started fighting and pulling hair over water bottles and kidney beans. but then we realized we could get pretty much everything from all the little shops that are right around the corners. peace was restored.
i found a cockroach in the kitchen cabinet. the three of us had totally different reactions to it: i went berserk and started yelling unintelligibly. naveed’s face turned white with horror...she couldn’t say a word. and cow, the youngest one, didn’t even flinch. she kept her cool, cleared out the cabinet and killed the roach as naveed and i looked on from outside the kitchen door, clinging onto each other for support. naveed insists it was a beetle.
we had a little get together on thursday. just invited a few girls over to introduce them to each other. naveed and i made some food but the grand finale was left up to cow. she made the best dessert ever, masha’Allah. picture this on a plate: a couple slices of chocolate cake, a whopping ball of hand whipped cream, a few slices of deliciously ripened strawberries on one side, a few sliced bananas on the other and crushed borios (a knockoff of oreo cookies) sprinkled all over. and delicately placed on top of the whipped cream, a fanned out strawberry. it was a simple but delicious dessert and a definite crowd pleaser. kudos to cow!
i’m suffering through one of my many yearly premature midlife crisis. i wanna work for a relief organization helping the poor, needy and orphans instead of as an occupational therapist working in schools with children who have disabilities. i need some guidance.